22 February 2023
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Space Dream, the CTNA initiative  to spread aerospace culture in schools, is back 

 Registrations are open to participate in “Space Dream”, the cultural initiative organized and promoted by the CTNA (National Aerospace Technological Cluster) with the support of Leonardo and Thales Alenia Space Italia , to bring students from schools across the country into space .

The initiative, dedicated to primary schools and lower and upper secondary schools, this year by popular request has also been extended to recognized associations which, by statute, are committed to supporting children in their studies.

The 2023 edition also makes use of the contribution of Sapienza University of Rome, CTNA’s scientific partner in the Space Dream project and the scientific contribution of ASI (Italian Space Agency), ASTROEDU, CNR, INAF and INGV and takes place with the cooperation by Edulia Treccani Scuola who created and manages the dedicated site.

To participate in the event, each teacher will have to register their class for free on the www.ctna-spacedream.it platform and create teams, composed of a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 5 students coordinated by a girl to make a significant contribution to equality of gender and encourage ever greater inclusiveness of the female world in the scientific field.

Once the assigned activity has been completed, it will be necessary to send your project related to aerospace culture by 04/30/2023.

These are “missions” on different themes divided into 4 categories based on the school year: drawing a map-atlas of the planets, inventing a story to describe the moon landing, the emotions and discoveries linked to this adventure; build and design a habitation module or a rover to organize life on lunar soil.

Lots of teaching materials, testimonies and insights are available to each registered class to tackle the missions with excellent preparation.

The objective is to bring young people closer to aerospace culture and new technologies by making them aware of all the related perspectives and opportunities.

A qualified commission will choose the best two projects for each age group and the winners for each category will be awarded in June during an in-person and live streaming event.

Participation in the event is free.

Information and registration   www.ctna-spacedream.it

SPACE DREAM 2023 activities


First age group: Lower Primary School (1st and 2nd grade) 

A mission for young astronomers who, after having viewed the educational resources available, will have to draw a pop-up map/atlas of the planets that make up the solar system, drawing them in original ways and respecting their characteristics.



Second age group: First Grade Primary School (III, IV and V elementary) 

A storytelling challenge focused on the Artemis Mission aimed at bringing back, after more than fifty years, man and for the first time also a woman to the Moon and to open up interesting prospects for the future with specific regard to the permanence on lunar soil, to flourish of space tourism until the next goal which is reaching Mars.

The objective of the activity, to be carried out after careful study of the teaching resources available, is to write a fable/story and accompany a drawing/illustration faithful to the text to describe the moon landing, the adventures and discoveries once you arrive at your destination .



Third age group: Lower Secondary School (I, II and III class) 

By participating in this activity you will have the opportunity to learn some fundamental notions for creating a model or model that reproduces a prototype of:

Hypothesis 1: a space house/a living module for staying on the Moon

Hypothesis 2: a rover to allow the movement of people and/or materials on the lunar surface.

The project must be accompanied by a technical report.



Fourth age group: I, II, III, IV and V class of secondary school

Based on a video lesson on space architecture, the explanation of the Artemis Mission which will bring man and woman back to the Moon and then head towards Mars and other insights, students are invited to design a prototype of a space house /housing module by creating an initial study sketch made freehand (pencil on a sheet) aimed at representing the starting idea (concept). Next, a sequence of views is required in which we will proceed with the technical adaptation and measure them to scale by designing in 2D or 3D. The project will be accompanied by an explanatory technical report.


National Aerospace Technology Cluster Press Office : Gaia Nardini (+39) 327.0978817 ufficiostampa@ctna.it

Edulia Treccani School: Francesca Malverti 06.56549849 francesca.malverti@edulia.it