30 January 2021
CIRA: full steam ahead with the national strategy
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CIRA, the Italian Aerospace Research Centre, launches an action aimed at strengthening its role as a national driving force for aerospace, developing synergies and convergences with national technological districts and progressively moving away from the logic of participation in the corporate structure of limited regional entities.

This is consistent with what is indicated by the controlling shareholder Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, which is responsible for the assessments and consequent decisions regarding the shareholdings of its subsidiaries, and in line with the recent entry of CIRA into the National Aerospace Technological Cluster (CTNA) which places the Center in a position more in keeping with its vocation of national excellence in the sector of aeronautical and space research and experimentation.

Precisely by virtue of this national vocation, CIRA is strongly intent on consolidating its collaboration with all the regional Aerospace Districts, through the stipulation of conventions or framework agreements in order to create concrete synergies and contribute to the specialization of the individual districts and their complementarity on a national scale. This is the model that has already been active for some time, for example, with the Apulian district, or recently defined with those of Lombardy and Piedmont, or in the home stretch with other regional entities.

The formal exit of CIRA from the DAC, DASS and IMAST regional Districts, as already occurred with the Emilia Romagna District, will take place progressively and effectively upon the conclusion of the relevant contracts still active and having participation in the districts as a requirement, and this naturally in order to ensure the commitment to completing all ongoing projects as contracted. Completion of this process is expected by 2022.