The governing bodies have been renewed for the three-year period 2021-2024.
The entrepreneur Daniele Tonti, 33 years old, Chief Strategy Officer of Oma of Foligno, will be the new president of the Umbria Aerospace Cluster, the Association which, promoted by Confindustria Umbria, has been coordinating Umbrian companies operating in the aerospace sector for twelve years and defense. . The new president was unanimously elected by the Cluster Members’ Assembly which, in addition to the president, appointed the vice president and the new Board of Directors for the three-year period 2021-2024.
Umbria Aerospace Cluster associates and represents 28 Umbrian companies with a turnover of around 400 million and almost 3 thousand employees. Alongside the newly elected president Tonti, there will be the vice president, Luciano Pizzoni , of Umbragroup and the advisors of the Board of Directors made up of: Claudio Becchetti , Comear of Spello; Mauro Bisci , Angelantoni Test Technologies of Massa Martana; Stefano Musci , NCM of Foligno; Flaminio Flavi , Fomap of Petrignano; Fabio Magnoni , Rampini Carlo di Passignano sul Trasimeno; Luca Marcaccioli , RF Microtech of Perugia and Francesco Ortix , Art Group of Passignano sul Trasimeno. General Secretary of the Cluster will be Cillian Fani O’Broin.
Daniele Tonti , after thanking the outgoing president, Antonio Baldaccini , for the commitment with which he has led the Cluster in the last three years, outlined some programmatic ideas that will be developed together with the councilors during the first meeting of the new Board of Directors.
“I am honored by this role – underlined President Tonti – and I intend to make my skills and energies available to the Cluster in order to identify a shared reference system that allows us to obtain the greatest possible value from economies of scale and purpose extractable from our network. I am aware that in this complex period it is more essential than ever to pool the resources of our companies to overcome this moment and to be ready and competitive once this negative trend necessarily ends. In particular – concluded Tonti – our work will focus on intercepting every possible benefit from the programming of funds linked to the Recovery Plan and on establishing relationships with institutional subjects, research bodies and other clusters on aspects that are fundamental for us such as technological transfer and the mutual exchange of skills and good practices”.