“The Piedmont Aerospace District (DAP) met with the companies registered with the AMMA (the Turin Metalworkers’ Association) and the Turin Industrial Union, to share strategies and to involve companies which at the moment, despite having the technologies, do not yet operate in the world of aerospace. As the President of the AMMA, Vice President of the Turin Industrial Union, Stefano Serra said in his speech: “The aerospace sector is becoming crucial for our territory where unique skills, advanced technology and the ability to grasp international challenges for projects reside low-altitude, intermediate-altitude and space aerospace “.
The DAP is structured to accompany companies through a path of opening innovation in the world of aerospace by providing scientific coordination and support for industrial planning, always remaining available for digital meetings and hopefully soon in person, for in-depth analysis of the topic. “Our constant collaboration with the Polytechnic and the University of Turin and Eastern Piedmont – declares the President of the DAP Fulvia Quagliotti – allows us to continuously update as well as involve resources on strictly current issues, such as, for example, Urban Air Mobility and a new mapping of companies working in the world of aerospace in the Piedmont area. Together with the Polytechnic and Leonardo we share the design path of the future Aerospace city in the Corso Marche area”.
President Fulvia Quagliotti also recalled how the DAP is alongside businesses also to structure projects capable of attracting economic investments in particular from European Funds, from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the European Policies Department, from the MUR and MISE ministerial tenders, from the Regional Research Program 2021-2027 and from the aerospace PIFs, the Integrated Supply Chain Projects of the Piedmont Region. At the end of the speech, President Quagliotti announced the DAP’s support for Turin’s candidacy to host an ESA BIC headquarters (ESA Business Incubation Center). In coordinating the work of the meeting, Andrea Romiti, as vice-president of AMMA with responsibility for aerospace as well as vice-president of the DAP, highlighted the importance of the meeting to open up collaboration with companies that are not purely aerospace among the UI-AMMA associates, with a view to open innovation.
The Director of the DAP Marco Galimberti indicated the guidelines of the District’s strategic program highlighting some priority topics of interest to the sector: Smart Autonomies for Aerospace, artificial intelligence and robotic autonomy applied to aerospace, On Board Energy management for the management of on-board energy systems, Big Data Management for the management of on-board data and on land and Downstream and Upstream Integration for observation, navigation and communication systems. “The mission of the DAP as defined with the Piedmont Region and the large aerospace companies – declares Galimberti – is to stimulate and support the development and competitiveness projects of the local industries by offering them a medium-long term vision in investments for innovation and technological transfer for sustainable development”.