On June 12th from 9.00 am at the Exhibition Area of the Cotton Warehouses of Genoa, in the Scirocco Room, the SIIT presents the event – NET EVOLUTION LIGURIA RICERCA E IMPRESA.
During the event, the 6 projects of the TRANSIT Polo and SOSIA Polo were presented together with the 3 new business networks of which SIIT is the promoter and in the session dedicated to public and private institutions Cristina Leone, President of the National Aerospace Technological Cluster, also intervenes among the guests (CTNA).
The event is dedicated to highlighting the concrete results obtained by the SIIT District and its operational network which includes:
2 Regional Poles dedicated respectively to ITS, transport of people and goods on an urban and metropolitan scale, logistics, ports, etc. etc. and ICT technologies, security (Safety, Security-Cyber), territorial and environmental monitoring 4 National Clusters for which SIIT is the representative for the Liguria Region: CTN Smart Communities, CTN Intelligent Factory, CTN Transport, CTN Aerospace Multi-domain research infrastructure (Energy, transport, automation, safety & environment) and associated laboratories 3 new business networks on the same themes.