To celebrate National Space Day, the CTNA, National Aerospace Technological Cluster, launches “Space Training & Coaching, space training!”, recommended for studying scientific subjects and space-related issues, while waiting for Space Dream 2023!
Starting from 7 December 2022, teachers of elementary, middle and high schools will be able to connect to the website and click on the area dedicated to training to carry out the selected activities with students and then upload by on January 15, 2023 the result of your scientific experiment on the platform (a short video or some photographs) to show us your skills and receive the Certificate of Participation for the class.
Furthermore, the most deserving entries will be published on the platform and will be visible to the entire space community.
Each experimentation and/or application activity is divided by age group and is proposed following the fundamental principle that learning while having fun is easier.
To find out which missions have been selected for each category and the material needed to carry them out, click on the reference link: