10 January 2022
The DASS launches a new website
condividi su

The DASS – Aerospace District of Sardinia – inaugurates the new web platform https://dassardegna.eu/it/ ) in the name of innovation and design. The new site tells the activities, services and history of DASS from a storytelling and user experience perspective.

The intention is to offer users a totally immersive journey , exploring within the different sections a narration based on strategic themes, from the design lines to the patent portfolio, from the organizational structure to media communications, from the concept brand – created by the famous Sardinian artist Pinuccio Sciola – ongoing collaborations.

The new site was conceived and created by the Relive Communication company within an alternation of templates designed according to a chromatic logic with a strong reference to space , also thanks to the use of particularly rich animations and transitions, which take the visitor back to a ‘atmosphere in full compliance with the identity of the district. Overall, it is a communication choice that harmonises the district’s web interface with the most current digital storytelling standards and a flexible format, from desk to mobile, with tailor-made visual solutions.

“The new site – comments President Giacomo Cao – intends to provide an increasingly dynamic image of the district’s activities , emphasizing on the one hand the results achieved and on the other projecting it towards the new economy connected with the exploration of deep space that we hope will be able to receive large and significant contributions from the sector that operates in Sardinia.”