There will be 14 companies from the Lombardy cluster that will participate in the Farnborough International Airshow 2022, scheduled again after two years of stoppage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The President, Angelo Vallerani: “It is on occasions like these that the added value of being part of a Cluster is openly shown. The membership of SMEs in our network of companies allows even the smallest companies to be present at events of maximum visibility for operators in the sector”
After two years of stoppage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Farnborough International Airshow 2022 is back , one of the most important showcases in the world for the aerospace industry, which will open its doors to the public on Monday 18th and close on Friday 22nd July. Together with the Lombardy Aerospace Cluster and the big players in the district such as Leonardo, 14 companies will also show off their products and projects , mostly SMEs, representing what is, in terms of skills and production value, one of the most important national and European related companies in the aerospace sector.
The Cluster, in continuity with the internationalization path started with the collaboration of the Varese Chamber of Commerce , will be present with its own institutional stand in Hall 1 of the show (stand 1443) . A space within which international operators will be able to come into contact with the entire Cluster and, specifically, with 11 companies physically present with their representatives and catalogues. We are talking about companies such as AMM , Ase , Aviochem, Brancaro Industries , Cordon Electronics Italia , Italiana Ponti Radio , Jointek Aerospace , MPG Instruments , Mecaer Aviation Group , Merletti Aerospace and OVS Villella . These will be joined by the companies that will surround the institutional space with their individual stands: Aerea , Logic and Secondo Mona . This is the presence of the Lombardy Aerospace Cluster at an event, that of Farnborough, which will attract over 1,500 exhibitors from 48 countries to London for a total of 80 thousand expected visitors.
The importance of meeting again
“Never before have we been able to fully appreciate the opportunities and potential of an international event like Farnborough. A showcase of enormous importance, especially after the complex and challenging years spent, due to the Coronavirus, away from events of this magnitude – explains the President of the Lombardy Aerospace Cluster , Angelo Vallerani –. It is on occasions like these that the added value of being part of a Cluster is openly shown. The membership of SMEs in our network of companies allows even the smallest companies to be present at events of maximum visibility for operators in the sector. Our goal is to allow every small and medium-sized business to find its own independent presence on foreign markets, diversifying its business. This without necessarily having to tie one’s fortunes to a single major player. There are many companies in our related industries that have the requirements to succeed: we simply want to team up and accompany them, making it possible also at a budget level to be present at events with considerable costs”.
The meeting calendar
The calendar of meetings of the Lombardy Aerospace Cluster in Farnborough will be busy and demanding. Of note, among the many events, is the Flash Meeting , scheduled for Wednesday 19 July in the Cluster’s exhibition space, on the issues of Advanced Air Mobility which will see the President Angelo Vallerani discuss together with the Undersecretary with responsibility for relations with the international delegations of Lombardy Region, Alan Christian Rizzi , on the opportunities and challenges linked to advanced air mobility. Also visiting the stand of the Lombard Aerospace Cluster will be the President and Central Director of ENAC (National Civil Aviation Authority), Pierluigi Di Palma and Fabio Nicolai . Finally, also on the agenda is a visit to the Leonardo pavilions with a delegation made up of representatives of the Lombardy Region and the Union of Industrialists of the Province of Varese, together with member companies of the Lombardy Aerospace Cluster and the President of the Varese Chamber of Commerce, Fabio Lunghi .