04 Ottobre 2019
Il DAC invita a partecipare alla conferenza: “DEFENCE SKILLS AND DUAL USE TECHNOLOGIES The role of regions and the European Structural and Investment Funds.”
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The role of regions and the European Structural and Investment Funds


14 November 2019
08:30-09:30 Registration
09:30-09.45 Introduction
Gen. Alberto Rosso*, Chief of Italian Air Force Staff
Prof. Luigi Carrino, President Campania Aerospace District (DAC)
09.45-10:40 Towards enhanced cooperation in defence and related skills
Italian Ministry of Defence representative
Vito Borrelli, deputy Head of Commission Representation in Italy
Antonio Marchiello*, Campania Region Ministry for Industry and
Scientific Research
Raffaele Ruberto, Prefect of Caserta
10:40-11:00 Coffee Break
11.00-12.30 Panel Session 1 – European Defence Skills Strategy
Moderator: Gennaro Russo, Manager, Space and High Speed Systems, DAC
Elektra Tsigaridas, Policy Officer, European Commission – Overall
strategy, Funding instruments
Giovanni Soccodato, Head of Strategy, Markets & Business
Development, Leonardo – Synergies between industries, institutions and
Elena Garcia Peña,, EU Affairs Manager, Airbus
Gustavo Alonso & Francesco Marulo, Universities of Madrid and
Naples – Pegasus: a model for European recognised skill profile
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
14.00-15.30 Panel Session 2 – Regional dimension of skills in defence
Moderator: Daina Belicka, Board Member, Central & Southern Europe Centre of
Excellence, Latvia
Paul Anciaux, Policy Officer, European Commission – Tapping into the
potential of ESIF
Maria Grazia Falciatore*, Regione Campania
Luigi Lupoli*†, VP Business Development Manager Cyber Security &
Intelligence Solutions, Leonardo – Cyber Range project in ESIF
Annie Audic, Director, Conseil régionale de Bretagne
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 Round Table – Paving the way forward
Moderator: Elektra Tsigaridas, Policy Officer, European Commission
Klaus Bolving, CENSEC, Denmark
Magali Pages, Project Manager Structural Projects Financing,
Aerocampus, France
Marie Bellö Yngveson, Head of SAAB Academy
Jaroslaw Sep, Dean of Faculty Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics,
Polytechnical University of Rzeszow
18:00-20:00 Guided tour of Caserta Royal Palace (optional)
20:00-22:00 Dinner
15 November 2019
09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee
Dual Use Technology Projects Workshop
09:30-10:00 Introduction: Paul Anciaux (DG GROW), Francesco Langella (DAC)
10:00-10:15 Splitting in 5 parallel sessions
10:15-12:15 Session 1 Moderator: Rui Santos, AED Cluster Portugal
Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and early warning capabilities
10:15-12:15 Session 2 Moderator: Aviaspace Bremen, Germany
Robotics and autonomous UAS capabilities in a non-segregated operational environment, including
high speed systems and safe medical evacuation
10:15-12:15 Session 3 Moderator: Philippe Lattes, Aerospace Valley, France
Innovative aerial image and videos processing systems through hyperspectral imaging (for
metadata/telemetry information extraction and exploitation in C2 systems, e.g. minefields mapping)
10:15-12:15 Session 4 Moderator: Klaus Bolving, CENSEC, Denmark
Development of counter-UAS capability based on mini-UAS swarms
10:15-12:15 Session 5 Moderator: Eugenio Fontán, Madrid Aerospace Cluster, Spain
Intelligent, dynamic and robust control of the quality of service in hybrid satellite-terrestrial
telecommunication networks, including communications for UAVs in beyond line-of-sight applications
12:15-12:30 Reconvene in the Auditorium
12:30-13:30 Conclusion: DAC: Francesco Langella – wrap up on parallel sessions
Luigi Carrino – concluding remarks


Scarica il pdf: 2019 11 14 ENDR Conference Programme